what age can I start my child on mindfulness?

Mindfulness - Child beside father

You can introduce formal mindfulness lessons to a child when he or she can independently understand and follow instructions. From my experience and observation, that age starts from about 9 years old. However, I’ve adjusted lessons for younger ones, including those in kindergarten, who will obediently follow my guided instructions.


Formal lessons

A formal lesson includes an objective, a lesson plan and approach. For example, an objective can be to strengthen attention through listening. A 30-minute plan can incorporate an opening practice, open-ended questions (on the importance of listening well), the featured practice (listening to a recorded sound of the jungle), and concluding by linking back to daily life and a closing practice. String a few formal lessons to form a simple curriculum with overarching objectives.

I’m not keen for the formal mindfulness practice to be another tuition class or elective to squeeze into a child’s day. I believe the child should be out playing, honing their innate curiosity and social skills. So mindfulness lessons need to be incorporated into school hours, at home, or blended into the child’s normal calendar without calling it out as mental training.

For example, I used to teach mindfulness at a student centre that provided free 1.5-hour Math tuition to underserved families in the neighbourhood. Before the evening tuition starts, I would lead in a 30-minute session to settle down the kids (and tutors). This transition activity better prepares them to be attentive and productive during tuition. I’ve taught the tutors to lead the transition activity on their own.


Informal lessons

Inculcating the mindfulness habit can also be informally taught. These tend to be impromptu and support scenario-based learning. Parents and educators can introduce practices to direct attention inwards or outwards. For example, a child notices his friend being teased at the playground. You can direct the child to ‘check in’ on how he’s feeling and what he’s observing with his eyes. After acting out the response (comforting his friend), you can ask how that made him feel.

Keep the long term goals in mind. We introduce mindfulness to strengthen the child’s attention and to help them self-regulate their emotions. When opportunities present themselves, be flexible and introduce short, playful practices to meet the goals. Employ any of the five senses. When the child is able to tap into their own inner stability, we are setting them up to be well-adjusted and confident adults.


Next steps: Ask me about mindfulness for children. Read up what mindfulness curriculum can look like. Experience first-hand by attending a public class, arrange for a private session, or plan for a corporate workshop.

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He exhibited good knowledge and passion in the subject matter and was composed and generous in his delivery and integration of the theoretical and practical aspects of mindfulness.

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resting body & mind

I went for the introduction class. It was a good experience, positive and calming.
He also explained the facts why resting and relaxing the mind helps with our physical well being.
I would like to go back for follow up workshops.

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The session made a big impact on our whole team, which goes to show how relevant the [mindfulness] messages are.

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Insightful session that teaches so much. Learnt to release daily stress with just two simple techniques.
Definitely something useful in our fast-paced society.

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joy & creativity

It was such a meaningful afternoon spent, and a reminder to live my life mindfully, and channel the positive energy that comes from it into creativity that sparks joy.
